SEDCAT Modern Slavery Policy v1
1. Introduction sedcat is committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking have no place in our operations or supply chains. We recognize our responsibility under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to take steps to prevent modern slavery in all aspects of our work. As a small charity, we aim to uphold ethical practices and protect the rights and dignity of all individuals.
2. Scope This policy applies to all trustees, employees, volunteers, contractors, and suppliers associated with sedcat. It outlines our commitment to identifying, addressing, and mitigating the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking.
3. Definition of Modern Slavery Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking. Victims are often exploited for financial gain and subjected to physical, psychological, and emotional harm.
4. Commitment sedcat is committed to:
- Complying with all relevant laws and regulations relating to modern slavery and human trafficking.
- Acting with integrity and transparency in all our activities and relationships.
- Monitoring our operations and supply chains to identify and address potential risks of modern slavery.
5. Responsibilities
- Trustees and Leadership: Ensure that this policy is effectively implemented and regularly reviewed.
- Staff and Volunteers: Be vigilant and report any concerns regarding modern slavery to the appropriate manager or designated safeguarding lead.
- Suppliers and Contractors: Ensure compliance with ethical practices and provide evidence of measures to prevent modern slavery, if requested.
6. Risk Assessment sedcat will conduct periodic risk assessments to identify areas of potential vulnerability to modern slavery within our operations and supply chains. This includes evaluating suppliers, partnerships, and procurement processes.
7. Due Diligence sedcat will:
- Establish clear procedures for vetting suppliers and contractors.
- Include anti-slavery clauses in relevant contracts and agreements.
- Seek assurance from suppliers that they comply with modern slavery laws and ethical standards.
8. Reporting Concerns All individuals associated with sedcat are encouraged to report any suspicions or evidence of modern slavery. Reports can be made confidentially to the Chief Officer by emailing [email protected] . Reports will be taken seriously, investigated promptly, and handled sensitively.
9. Training and Awareness sedcat will provide training and resources to staff and volunteers to:
- Increase awareness of modern slavery and its indicators.
- Understand their responsibilities in identifying and addressing risks.
10. Review and Monitoring This policy will be reviewed annually by the trustees to ensure its effectiveness. Updates will be made as necessary to reflect changes in legislation, best practices, or operational circumstances.
11. Contact Information For questions or concerns about this policy or to report suspected modern slavery, contact: sedcat Chief Officer at
Approved by: Board of Trustees
Date: January 2025