Tell us about your experience

At sedcat our staff and volunteers continually work to provide the best possible service for our passengers. There are many things, some beyond our control, that can impact on the quality of service we aspire to provide. If at any time you feel the service you have received from us is below the standard you would expect I would personally like to hear from you. I treat complaints seriously and will endeavour to resolve any issues as quickly as possible and keep you informed of any outcome.
I am also keen to hear about a positive experience you have had using sedcat. We rely on donations, grants, and the goodwill of our volunteers to keep the service going. Positive feedback helps to highlight the value of our work in making a difference to people lives and is of course very welcome.
Please contact me by phone on 01202 534027 or email to the Chief Officer at [email protected] I will contact you as soon as possible.
Natascha Mc Allister Chief Officer sedcat